
Osatina Group sells protective products, seeds and fertilizers through:
Wholesale, Retail, Cooperation

We offer plant protection products from the following partners:

  • Bayer CropScience d.o.o.
  • Agrochem-maks d.o.o.
  • BASF Croatia d.o.o.
  • Chromos agro d.d.
  • FITO PROMET d.o.o.
  • Syngenta agro
  • Genera d.d.
  • Veterina

We offer seed products from the following partners:

  • BC Breeding institute
  • Agricultural Institute Osijek
  • RWA Raiffeisen Agro d.o.o.
  • Seed plant Zagreb d.o.o.
  • Syngenta agro d.o.o.
  • Pioneer seed d.o.o.
  • KWS seed d.o.o.
  • Monsanto d.o.o.

The fertilizer offer is based on the company’s assortment:

  • Agrochem-maks d.o.o.foliar fertilizers and others.
  • Petrochemistry d.d.


Marica Matezović: 031/856-999

OSATINA d.o.o.

U više od 25 godina postigli smo savršeno zaokružen koncept proizvodnje vođen znanjem i kompetencijom, modernom tehnologijom, kvalitetom i održivim razvojem.


Grobljanska 70
Viškovci, Hrvatska
Tel: +385 (0)31 856 999
Fax: +385 (0)31 856 045
E-mail: osatina@osatina.hr