Let our quality become your habit!

Complete production that least over 25 years

Osatina Group



The entire round of production ends also on the shelves of our customers as well as in our own retail stores, which are reached by our own transport. By proper waste management, we influence the reduction of all types of waste in the production process, as well as its proper disposal



Production of Osatina Group is organized through several activities – farming, cattle breeding, pig breeding, fodder factory, hummus production, vegetable and fruit production and meat processing.



We offer a service of drying and storing grains and oilseeds in silos. We carry out every transport mission. A soybean toaster provides quality and low competitive frying prices. Animal care is in the hands of our veterinary clinic.


New technologies

We are pleased to say that we are the only ones in Europe who apply our own concept of circling and reusing energy among different productions.<br>
Through such a circulation of energy withing the system that brings multiple synergistic effects, cost benefits are achieved.

Our brands

You want you and your family to eat vegetables and fruits of known origin, enticing freshness and top quality? Choose Vego vegetables and fruits! The uniqueness of the Vego brand lies in its flexibility, reliability and year-round presence on the market.

Domestic is the most delicious! That is why Vero makes sure that your table contains top quality meat products from our farms in Slavonija and Podravina. Vero meat products are named after the Italian word Vero which means truthfulness, originality, authenticity.


There are many factors that affect the health and beauty of plants, and along with the quality of seedlings, the quality of earth is certainly one of the greatest. Therefore, Osatina Group placed a line of products FLORASAN – substrates for flowers and garden by rounding up agricultural production.


Kepp Up With Us

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OSATINA d.o.o.

U više od 25 godina postigli smo savršeno zaokružen koncept proizvodnje vođen znanjem i kompetencijom, modernom tehnologijom, kvalitetom i održivim razvojem.


Grobljanska 70
Viškovci, Hrvatska
Tel: +385 (0)31 856 999
Fax: +385 (0)31 856 045
E-mail: osatina@osatina.hr